Love of the Game
From the start of his career, Michael Jordan included a clause in his contract with the Bulls called “the Love of the Game “ clause. This clause allowed for him to have pick up games whenever he wanted without constraint.
In all my work, I hope to never lose the love for this game.
![John Elway Collection (love of the game).jpg](
![Thomas Day exhibition C.jpg](
![Thomas Day exhibition B.jpg](
![Thomas Day exhibition A.jpg](
![Mount Vernon.jpg](
![Monticello M.jpg](
![Monticello L.jpg](
![Monticello K.jpg](
![Monticello J.jpg](
![Monticello I.jpg](
![Monticello D (1).jpg](
![Thomas Day exhibition D showing my secretary that was on loan and my favorite of mine..jpg](
![Monticello A.jpg](
![Letter from Alex Bernhardt Sr..jpg](
![Monticello B (1).jpg](
![ASFD President artical with note from Paul Broyhill.jpg](
![ASFD certificate.jpg](